Thursday, 11 September 2008

Coal Health...

OK so this is not housing law, it doesn't matter since it's important for the legal profession in general I suppose.

Today, as I begin my journey back into the blogging world (instead of doing my chargeable work this evening), I found out that Raleys [-the Yorkshire law firm that made millions from miners compensation claims] has decided to set up this website.

Now the history of the coal mines is important, but when you line up the millions that each equity partner made at Raleys from those miners, and the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal hearing to be held in January 09, it seems slightly odd no? I am sure that the SDT at the 20 day hearing will be quick to absolve them of any guilt when they mention the website!!

The firm rejects findings by the Legal Complaints Service that it provided inadequate professional service in the handling of miners’ compensation claims under the state-funded scheme for victims of respiratory disease and vibration white finger.

And senior partner Ian Firth's justification for the finding of IPS by the LCS is that it comes from a small minority of clients...lawyers aren't money grabbers - really...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comment on the profits made from the comp scheme, or the referral fees agreements. I've made my views clear at other times.

But for Raleys to purchase this site now is, at best, a stunningly crass PR move. At worst it is an act of stunning cynicism. Why not just fund the site, if you (Raleys) are so concerned about its continued existence?

Boo and hiss, I say.