Monday, 8 September 2008

I am still alive....barely...

Hello to all..

I am still alive, if only just, who would have thought that the Housing & Regeneration Act would have killed what little was left of my life!!

But now I am nearly at the end! lol

As to the Snail, I shall hopefully be up and running by next week again! fingers crossed..


Anonymous said...

Excellent news - that you are back, not near death by H&RA, obviously. we await the fruits of your labour...

Anonymous said...

Does your in-depth knowledge of the HRA extend to insight into when the govt will bring sched 11 (no more TTs) into force?

Ethan said...

Not sure about "in-depth" - I just try to make sense of the world we live in lol.

As far as I know nothing has been formalised.

There's enough glitches in the Act to keep us all happy with new case law for a while to come - just as an comment on the side.

Anonymous said...

Please see Journal of Housing Law 2008 Vol.11 (5) Editorial Note by Mr Andrew Arden QC at p77 he said as follows: Permission to appeal has been granted in Weaver. Nor, in any event, is there much to be said about it.

Ethan said...

Unless that editorial note was written in the last 4 or 5 working days I have a feeling it could be out of date. I still could be wrong - who knows.

Thanks anyway.

p.s. please try and post comments on the right entry.